The Writer’s Game: Level 3

Topic: Beauty

Threshold: 860 Points

Possible Points: 510

All Possible Points up until this level: 1,370

  • “Write a short story about a planet.” [60 points]
  • “Write a haiku for every season.” [50 points]
  • “Write a poem about a specific piece of nature.” [20 points]
  • “Write a short story related to a season.” [30 points]
  • “Write a short story about something to do with water.” [40 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem about a wild animal.” [50 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem about a flower.” [50 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem about your favorite kind of weather.” [60 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem about your birthstone.”[60 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem of something shiny found in nature.”[60 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem about your favorite direction on a compass.” [100 points]
  • “Write a short story or a poem about your favorite flying creature.” [50 points]
  • “Write a short story or a poem about your favorite burrowing creature.”[70 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem about your favorite bug .” [70 points]
  • “Write a short story or poem about your favorite time of day.” [90 points]

Score 1,100 points to advance to the next level.

When you’re ready to move on to the next level, click here.

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